The Journal of Applied Ethics in Artificial Intelligence

Contributors will initially launch online in October, 2023, offering regular, web based content from qualified contributors in any of our domain subject areas. Web content (posts) need not be formal, academic papers, but in order to be accepted for publication must meet the following criteria:

1) Expertise: The author must demonstrate their expertise in the field for which the content is being submitted for publication.

2) Originality: The author’s content must offer a compelling thesis or challenge to the reader. Content that has been published elsewhere is allowed as long as there are no limitations from prior publication (we will require that the source/date of the “original appearance” be included at the bottom of your submission).

3) Accessibility: The content must be written for publication in English in a manner that is understandable to an international, non-academic audience.

4) Length: We think the ideal content will be 1500 – 3000 words, but exceptions will be made for compelling shorter or longer pieces.  Please self-edit prior to submitting your proposal.

5) Relevance: All submissions must deal with the specific topic of applied ethics (moral philosophy) in relation to the impact of AI on a specific area within your domain expertise. Submissions that fail to meet this criteria will not be considered.

6) Key Words: Authors must list 4-6 key words for the submission that are not repeated from the title.

7) Publication ready: While web content will not be subject to the editorial rigors of an academic publication, we expect that all submissions will have been edited for style and grammar. During the approval process, minor editorial changes might be made, but content that is clearly not ready for publication will be returned to the author.

If you have content that is suitable for publication based on these guidelines, please send your submission to editor[at] Authors will retain the copyright to all material, but publication of the content entitles The Journal of Applied Ethics in Artificial Intelligence the perpetual use rights to the content (with appropriate author attribution, of course).