The Journal of Applied Ethics in Artificial Intelligence

The Editorial Board

The editorial board at the Journal of Applied Ethics in Artificial Intelligence will work collaboratively, under the leadership of the Editor in Chief, to both set and advance the mission of the journal. 

Editor-in-Chief (Chair)

In addition to board oversight, the Editor-in-Chief is charged with casting the editorial vision of the journal  is aligned with its mission. They will ensure that the diverse interests of our readership are well represented. They are responsible for recruiting editorial board members with recognized expertise in the field to which they are assigned and whose values align with the journal’s mission. They are responsible to recruit relevant and timely online content, and to make the ultimate publication decisions for biennial journal.

As the senior member of the editorial board, they are also the chief ambassador for the journal, working to ensure its integrity and mature its reputation among professionals, academics, researchers and the general public through thoughtful public engagement, conference attendance and media relations.

Domain Editors (Board Members)

Domain editors at the Journal of Applied Ethics in Artificial Intelligence will be key to the success of our Phase II launch and growth, and as such we are soliciting editors to oversee one of the following six domains (and consideration will be given to sub-domain editors as appropriate).

Ethical Domains:

    • Arts
    • Law
    • Philosophy
    • Religion
    • Science (to include sub-domains of Health, Psychology and Economics)
    • Technology

The editorial board at AE/AI will consist of these 6-9 domain editors, and will ultimately be the primary point of engagement with all content in their areas of expertise.  They are charged with:

    • Participating in quarterly editorial board meetings to guide and set the direction of the Journal, ensuring alignment with its mission,
    • Recruiting and vetting expert contributors from among their colleagues and experts in their respective fields,
    • Reviewing and qualifying content for mission alignment prior to publication (assisting with the content calendar, and ensuring that timely content is given priority over evergreen content),
    • And ensuring that the highest standards of integrity and excellence are applied to all matters related to their respective fields.

Inquiries …

If you meet the qualifications as an editor in one of the six core domains (or three sub-domains in the field of science), and are interested in learning more, please send your vita and a cover letter for consideration to: 
